There will be a very lengthy wedding recap soon – for now, I am posting about the wonderful people who helped to make our day so wonderful! I made a speech at the rehearsal dinner attempting to thank all the people who helped and I am certain that I failed miserably. It was the most emotional part of the entire weekend and it was also one of the most important. Behind the tears, this is what I had intended to say…
To my wonderful bridesmaids – you girls are the best. I am blessed with beautiful and sweet friends who have dealt with a Type A bride for 15 months and never said a word!
Katie – my friend for the longest and the most pregnant. At eight months preggers, you have been a trooper. You have been down the sidewalk to help me choose fonts and approve every little decision that was made. You are a precious soul and I am lucky to have such a wonderful friend in you!
Sara – my kindred spirit. You are one of the most important people in my life. You are the person I count on to make my sweet big brother a happy man. You are kind and unselfish, you are laughter and you are medicine to a friend. You are the sister I never had and will always love.
Rachael – my first friend besides the bad boys. At a mere fifteen months older, you were always there to show me the ropes of life. You have been such a wonderful role model in everything. It is hard to believe we are both getting married this year. I cannot wait to stand beside you as you become Mrs. Stone in a few months!
Amanda – my new sister. I am blessed to have you, Sage, and Rhett as a part of my life. I have had the best time watching you grow as a mother and Rhett grow as a precious boy! You are a wonderful sister to Daniel and a great friend to me. Being across the street, you have also endured the planning process like a champ. I am ever thankful for the many glasses of wine consumed over this wedding and planning!
Christy – When I met you on your wedding day five years and one week ago, I had no clue we would become such wonderful friends. From day one, you have treated me like family. You and Josh have opened your home and your hearts to Daniel and I without reserve. I have enjoyed watching you and Josh grow in your marriage! You are a great example of a wonderful marriage. I thank you for your friendship and love!
K-Dawg – my best friend. You are the greatest friend I could have ever dreamed of. When you talk about our friendship, you always say that I got you through school – the truth is you totally got me through college. If it had not been for the laughter and support from you, I would have driven myself crazy! You are a free spirit with a kind heart. You are a great example of unselfish love! I am a better person for having known you and you are a blessing in my life.
Maggie – my sweet little baby! From our Disney World trips to the many play dates in Lisman, you have helped to mold me into the person I am. From the fiery red headed two year old to the beautiful young lady here today, I have loved watching you grow!
Sage – I can’t say much about you except you have been a trooper for the past fifteen months. Tomorrow at about 6:30, I give you your summer back!
Josh – I can’t say enough great things about you. You have been a wonderful friend to Daniel over the years. Whether it was working on our wedding slideshow or opening the doors of your new home for me to have a much needed few days away, you have always been there for us! Daniel is blessed with great family and I am happy to be a Vick tomorrow!
Shane – Daniel is lucky to have such a great big brother to look up to. You are funny, sweet, and a wonderful Daddy to your sweet girls. We are blessed to have you all in our lives.
Morgan and Tyler – my sweet boys. Some people spend their entire lives looking for a best friend. I was lucky to be born with two who lived right down the hall. You two have been constant through my whole life. You have always been there for love, support, to knock me down a notch, and definitely for laughter. As momma and daddy have always told us, I love you the same for different reasons. Morgan, I love you because no matter how many things change, you always stay the same. You are a blessing to those around you and a wonderful big brother. Tyler, I love you because of your fun personality. You are the laughter that lights up a room and the story that needs to be told again and again. I love your contagious laughter and never ending smile. You are both blessings to me and I am forever thankful to have you in my life!
Cole – I have loved watching you grow up. You are a precious young man and we are happy to have you in our wedding. I still think you should be little enough to be the ring bearer but I am happy of the young man you have grown into!
To our parents – most couples today cannot say that their parents have been married for thirty years each but Daniel and I can both say that. Both of our parents will tell you they have not been an easy thirty years but that they have been worth it. We are blessed to have two wonderful examples of long lasting marriages!
Mr. Danny and Mrs. Mary Ann – I thank you for the sweet, caring, giving, and precious son that you raised. He is a blessing to my life and all the lives around him. I know that he was raised right because the day I met him he was as kind as he is today. You are great parents and have raised a fine son!
Momma and Daddy – I am certain that I got the best of the best on parents. You have been nothing short of amazing my entire life. I could not have planned this wedding without the help of you both. Momma, you have had a punch list from the get go and you have punched it hard. I am certain we would not have food, flowers, or tablecloths if it wasn’t for you! Daddy, from finishing mine and Daniel’s new home to making sure every piece of tin was up and the columns were painted, you have exceeded your father of the bride duties! I hope you both remember that I am always your little girl and that you are not losing a daughter but gaining a son. Remember that no matter how old I get or how big my butt gets that I will still fit in both of your laps!
Daniel – my best friend. Our song “Carried Away” by George Strait says “I get carried away by the look by the light in your eyes. Before I even realize the ride I’m on, baby I’m long gone.” The past five years have been a wonderful ride. Tomorrow we celebrate five years – during these five years, we have gone from friends to boyfriend/girlfriend, to engaged, and tomorrow we finally become husband and wife. You are the most amazing man I know. You are giving, kind, supportive, funny, and everything that is perfect to me. Sacrifice does not being to describe what you have done for me. From picking up and moving to Butler to smiling and being supportive through every wedding decision, you have been amazing in every way! You are my best friend and my forever and my always!
I know these words mean little to nothing to other people but they mean the world to me. I cannot explain how wonderful my friends and family were the entire weekend.
Here is my favorite picture of the wedding party…