Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Favorites

Okay, so I have admitted that I have a slight major blog obsession these days... I thought I would share with my blog readers some of my favorites.

Personal/People I Actually Know:
Life After College - My best friend Kaley's blog - Life After College - fun thoughts from a fun girl!

This-and-That - Sara's blog about crafts, life, and little Mack who was born yesterday and is precious!

The Money Pit - Jennifer and I used to work together and she and her huband Colter just welcomed their first born Case about two weeks ago. This blog is mainly about the renovations they are making to an older home in the booming town of Gainesville :)

Along the Road - This was actually the first blog I ever read... Hope is from Butler and her parents live almost in our neighborhood. On the 2nd of July a few years ago, Hope and her children were at her paretns house and her little girl Alaina went to sleep and woke up in heaven. Hope's words are inspiring. She does not blog much anymore but some of her older posts are beyond words. She has a gift for expressing her thoughts. She is the epitome of a good wife and mother. She also gives all of teh glory for her strenghth to God :)

Craft Blogs - there are tons of these but these are the ones I check DAILY:

A Girl and A Glue Gun - Wow! When I tell you that Kimbo is a funny, crafty girl - there is not much else to say. Around Christmas, she was posting cute gift ideas daily. One of my favorite crafts that she does is the felt car mat - hopefully I will have some kiddos of my own to make one of these for... I also love her menu boards and crayon rolls... A-MAZING pretty much sums her up.

Eighteen 25 - Another craft one. They have TONS of printables and neat crafts for kids!

I Am Momma Hear Me Roar - This is a great blog with neat crafts... her son's new Batman room is so cute. Plus, she has great tutorials about posting, photography, and blogging in general!

Fly Through our Window - This is not technically a CRAFT blog but she does have sewing patterns and a few recipes that are crafty. I really like to stalk the cute pictures of her kids she puts up :)

Teacher Blogs:

The First Grade Parade - WOW! Can I just say that Cara has it going on. Not only is she a teacher and a mom, but she also has time to make tons of cute printables. Many of them are for sale in her TpT store but she also has a ton that you can download or save in Google Docs.

The Inspired Apple - A friend of Cara's who is knew to the teacher blog world but who is absolutely amazing. She also has tons of things to download and a TpT store!

The Preschool Playbook - This is one that I just found last night - lots of great ideas, not so many printables but it is perfect for me since I am currently teaching a preschool class!

Random Blogs:

All Because Two People Fell in Love - This is a heart wrenching story. I just started reading this one and I am in tears each time I read. This mother got the phone call no mother wants to get - the babysitter called last week and said that her four month old - Maddie - had stopped breathing. Such a sad story. This blog is also one that will inspire you to cherish each moment and live life to the fullest.

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