for 23 years, 241 Country Club Drive has been the home to five people (and Cotton) as of today, we are down to three – 1 kiddo and 2 parents… and cotton! Morgan has been talking about moving out for some time now – and this weekend, he DID it. No warning, just moved – not really but that is what it seemed like. I should also mention that I hate change – not that I want to be in the same place for the rest of my life but change all at once is a little much. Not two months ago, Tyler moved out. As weird as it is, one moving out was not too bad. Tyler’s house is on my way home from school and I can stop any day I want to. I guess because Morgan is the last one – the straw that broke the camel’s back if you will – it was a little much. When I walked in his new house yesterday, I found it hard to hold back the tears – and I couldn’t. Morgan insisted that I stop but I couldn’t – it was too much. I am proud of him and his new house but on the selfish side, I want my brothers back. All the fussing I have done over the years about cold showers and being blocked in when I was running late is over… and I miss it already. Another reason I am sad about Morgan moving out is because we are also losing Sara. For almost two years, she has been a part of our weekend family. It has been nice having another girl around. Though I know she is not leaving, she won’t be back to our house – side note – she also shed some tears over leaving the house, too. I have already told Mo and ty that I am making a schedule for my spend the night parties – which will happen regularly! I said yesterday to Momma and Daddy that I didn’t want to be the only child at home but then again, I am leaving in just a short eight months. At 29, 25, and 23, it is time for us all to fly the coop and spread our wings – I know that change is good but that doesn’t make it any easier!
*next post, Butler Fest, pictures of Morgan’s house, and our new class pet Peanut!
This makes me sad!!!