Let me start this post by saying - we are not dog people at my house...we have only had two dogs at home my entire life - Rusty lived outside and ended up having to be returned to the sender... Shank lived with us (mostly roaming the neighborhood) until he was run over- may he rest in peace- he is buried in his favorite spot at the Country Club. In the years since Shank, Morgan has had a few hunting dogs... they have all lived on the tennis court (work place) at the Country Club... Blackie was a black lab who we all loved until he had to be put to sleep :( Morgan also had Star (some kind of pointing dog). He now has Gauner (a German wirehair) and Rosie (a short hair pointer)- I say all of this to say that Morgan has had the dogs... they listen to him, they mind him, and they run rampant for the rest of us... Last year at Christmas I bought Gauner some reindeer antlers to wear- Mo would not let him :(
Now, for the story- Cotton was a gift to my Granny for her 82nd birthday. She loved him... she loved him so much that she fed him banana pudding, black eyed peas, and anything else he wanted... needless to say, he had to come live with us. Let me also say that Momma has never liked dogs- growing up, her mom (Granny) and dad took in stray dogs left and right (she says they loved some of them like children). Anyways, mom was totally against Cotton living at the house - now, he sleeps in their bed, has doggie stairs, his own room, and they call to check on him when they go out of town... Also, no one has a choice but to let me dress Cotton up. He has an Alabama jersey (roll tide), a Christmas sweater, a pig costume (for ButlerFest contest that we were robbed in), Thanksgiving/Fall sweaters, summer outfits, etc. (he needs a wardrobe). I am a thrifty shopper- if it says sale and I think I might possibly need it in the next five years, its mine... while in Target the other day, they had Halloween costumes on sale (75% off) - so I got this little number
for only $2.50 - let's just say we got our money out of it last night laughing... he hated it - he tried to eat the antlers, and he acted like he was possessed. On a more serious note, as much as we laugh at him, he has changed our lives (all for the better) - he has brought us more joy than I ever thought a dog could. So, here's to Cotton- the cutest darn "moose mounted dog" ever : )
YARN ART for kids
1 day ago
Cotton is so stinkin' cute! And I must say, you have a pretty amazing family! And that boyfriend of yours... well, I'm speechless! You're blessed beyond measure! :)