Mrs. Poulin’s Blog – Kindergarten -
I chose this blog because it was from a classroom in the United States and because it was a Kindergarten classroom. I found this blog to be very interesting. She uploads her weekly newsletter and lots of pictures and articles to the blog. While looking at her blog, it was clear to see that she posts almost daily. By posting all the time, it keeps parents informed and it makes them want to look at the page everyday. I thought this was a very helpful model. By using blogs in the classroom, you can cut down on paper usage, contact parents more frequently, and send mass information.
The above link will take you to the class newsletter for the week. A weekly newsletter is uploaded every Friday. This is a great way to keep everyone well informed. This particular newsletter was discussing a Skype call the class had made to another kindergarten class in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Mrs. Patterson’s Pack – 1st Grade -
The second blog I chose to review was Mrs. Patterson’s first grade blog. This class is located in Virginia. I thought first grade would be interesting because they are learning so many new things. While viewing this blog, I found a link to the class Wiki page. What a great teacher- the kids seem to be very involved in the posting. She posted lots of videos. This particular post ( includes a video on the life cycle of a pumpkin.
2KM @ Leopold Primary School – Australia – Grade 2
I chose this blog because I wanted to see what students in other countries were blogging about. Wow! This teacher/class blogs every day almost. They blog about art work, class projects, random information, and they include tons of links and videos. This post ( is about their teacher’s birthday party the class threw her. It is interesting to see the technology used in that project.
Mrs. Yollis’ Classroom Blog – 3rd Grade -
This blog is from a class located in California. The first post on this blog ( was a post by one of the students’ grandfather. The grandfather is located in Italy. He included pictures, facts, and even some discussion questions for the students. One thing I liked about this blog was that the students were able to “earn” their own blog by using quality writing. The teacher also posts pictures with discussion questions. This would be a great partner blog for a classroom somewhere else in the world!
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