Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday K-Dawg

This is Kaley...

- tomorrow is her birthday (but I have outside plans and could possible forgeto to post). Anyways, it's her 23rd birthday. Which excites me becuase that means mine is in seven eight days. Kaley and I grew up 45 minutes down the road from eachother - but never met until we were freshmen - I should mention here that we were creepy Facebook friends prior to ever meeting face to face... weird :) Anyways, I will say we met at the orientation party and leave it at that... From then on, we were casual friends until that fateful summer class - EE 300 - when we became inseparable. From that point on, I think we have taken about twenty (maybe more) classes together... and we get REALLY sad when we are not together. We graduated undergraduate together and will both finish our Master's degrees in May, 2011. Oh yeah, and we teach together. Our doors are literally five steps apart. I would like to say we leave our doors open and chat it up all day but in reality, we give each other looks in the hall that say it all and we rarely get to visit - three and four year olds seem to need a little supervision :)

Anyways, it's your birthday so I feel the need to post my top ten memories and things I love about you:

10. the time in Biology when you (a) when the teacher asked if there was any other names we went by - you told me to tell her C-Dawg and I almost peed my pants... on the first day AND (b) dressed up like a gumball machine - and won 25 bonus points :) still jealous!

9. your family - especially Tam and Kins - and Jay on the dancefloor... enough said!

8. the night me, you, wesley, blake, and ty rode around - lots of funny memories from that night... and some cute pictures....

7. the night of the orientation party when we were like juniors (not quite 21) - we can just leave it at that - we both know how it ended!

6. the way you push me to make As-  if you have called me a dork one time, you have called me one 1,000 times :) but I know you love me and appreciate my dorky-ness more than most people!

5. the looks we get when we are traveling together - I am sure people think we are strange... I mean we are kind of a package deal in the classes, right?

look at all that long hair :)

4. the way you and Ty make fun up me and Daniel for "kissing" when we are on the phone - when ya'll do really silly things, too...

3. our St. Augustine trip - the flight, the food, the trip, paper Courtney, the in depth stories on the beach  - "kids, BUCKLE UP" - it was all too much fun!

2. your desire to see the world amazes me - I am so content to be here and you would move to Africa tomorrow - it inspires me to want to see the world but I think I'll stay close to AL for a little while longer :)

1. ... the way that I am already certain that Lola will be playing with my un-born, un-named children one day - even if we have to travel to Africa or Aliceville for a play date :)

Happy Birthday, K-DAWG : )

1 comment:

  1. ahhh awweeeee .... thats me laughing and crying! I love you Cdawg!
