Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Quail Hunt

This past Saturday was a rather cold morning that turned out to be a beautiful day. We Morgan has bird dogs. A German Wirehair named Gauner who is a big baby and absolutely precious, and a shorthair pointer named Rosie who is the prissiest, daintiest dog ever. His dogs are so personable and lovable and they are all funny in their own ways. Since the dogs had not gotten a chance to really "work" this year, we  Morgan planned a quail hunt. The quail are set out in traps and the dogs use their sniffers and skills to find the quail - someone pulls the trap and everyone shoots. I am the official photographer. The dogs are amazing and outdoor pictures are my favorite. Below are a few (of the 300) pictures that I took Saturday. Oh, almost forgot to mention... this was Sara's first quail hunting trip. She also killed one right off the bat  :) I think you will know which picture captured that moment! We are having another hunt this weekend so I am sure there will be a similar post next week... Until then :)

The "Head Hunter" - it really is an obsession!
Girls can work, too - please notice the HOT pink collar!
On a total accident, I caught the shells ejecting from Daddy's gun -
I could not make this shot again in 100 years, but I will be trying this weekend!

Zoomed in as best I could, a little blurry but still a very cool picture!

When we take breaks, we have to put Gauner in the kennel so he will rest and not run wild... This is very typical!

Did I do that?

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