In the few days we have had in 2012, I have been more than busy. The end of 2011 was a little hectic, too. Between teaching full time and planning a wedding, my time is spent. Daniel and I are also going through some tough decision making times right now as we determine where we will make our home. I am convinced that everything happens for a reason and that everything is done in HIS time, not in our time. I feel like things are working out but I am still nervous about the uncertainty we face in the coming months. It is so hard for a Type A control freak to “let go and let God” as I have heard it said but that is exactly what I am trying to do!
As far as wedding plans go, we are somewhat on track – my dress is in my possession, we have a photographer, the bridesmaids dresses are ordered, save the dates have been mailed (even though I am very paranoid that I left someone off the list), invitations are in – we found a calligrapher and then decided to save the money and do them on the computer… I downloaded a font from and I am really happy with the way the envelopes look. While I know this will be lots of work on me, I know it will save money and a trip to Jasper. I have booked the band “Excalibur” from Birmingham ( – they seem like a fun group that will play a variety of music. I feel like the major things are coming together nicely and now we have the small things to worry about. In my spare time, I am working on a wedding slideshow for the rehearsal dinner and reception. It is taking me forever but I think it is something we will be able to enjoy for many years to come! Daniel and I have also been doing a workbook together called “Preparing for Marriage” – it is a workbook that is focused on communication. You complete questionnaires and then meet together to discuss some answers. They are questions about kids, television, church, and everything in between. Daniel and I are very close and talk about most everything together but even we have learned new things about each other!
I mentioned earlier that Morgan was running for Circuit Clerk. We are in full campaign mode around our house. I have enjoyed seeing Morgan out and about. I know that I am a little biased but I think he will make a great Circuit Clerk and I am really hoping he wins on March 13! We have lots of these floating around – and are hoping for a good turnout and lots of support.
IF (and that is a really big IF) Daniel and I do wind up living in Butler, we will be staying at my Granny’s old house in Desotoville. To call it a “fixer-upper” would be an understatement… here is the kitchen after Daddy and Daniel spent one afternoon there…
To say it has a long way to go is also an understatement. Though it will be a lot of work (for Daddy and Daniel), we are getting to fix it like we want it since if we do move we will be living there for a while. I guess I should mention that the reason we MAY be moving home is because of Daniel’s job… long story but I am convinced the Lord works in mysterious ways and that He secretly (or not so secretly) wants me in Butler… or maybe Momma has prayed me home.
No matter what the next few months bring, I am excited about getting married and starting a life together no matter what city it’s in!
YARN ART for kids
1 day ago