Monday, May 16, 2011

happy endings and new beginnings...

Happy Endings - finishing college... for good :) After five long years, 161 academic hours, 47 As, 6 Bs, tons of lesson plans, and many nights putting bulletin boards together and wondering why I chose to become a teacher, I am finished. And it feels good. As I mentioned in my previous post, I finished with my Bachelor's degree last year and started immediately on my Master's degree last June. I knew that I would finish my degree in a year, I just didn't realize what I was in for... the work wasn't that hard for most classes but it was time consuming - during summer, I spent two nights per week in Livingston, in the fall I spent four nights per week in class and this spring, I spent three... it was wearing on me physically - the driving at night, the late nights, and the busy mornings trying to get things done before work. I can honestly say that it was ALL worth it. I am so happy to be finished. Without the support of my best friend Kaley, my sweet fiance Daniel, my brothers, and the financial and emotional support of good old momma and daddy, I would not have been able to finish this quick...

New Beginnings - 1st grade teacher at PA, wedding planning... I will officially begin my job in August but teaching is not one of those jobs you can just walk into on the first day and begin. I will spend the rest of this week in the classroom with the current teacher learning her tricks and anything she will teach me so I will be somewhat prepared for next year... and then I will spend many days this summer perfecting the classroom things. I know I am a dork but I am super excited about getting my room ready. Wedding planning has become an essential part of my daily life - I have been planning forever and have lots of ideas. I love looking at different ideas and getting some thoughts together yet it is a little overwhelming. Once I get a photographer and a caterer nailed down, I think my nerves will be somewhat calmed down - we'll see!

As for this current moment in time, I am compiling a wedding list (complete with addresses), waiting on 7 to go to Cole's baseball game, anxiously awaiting Friday when Mom, Sara, and hopefully Kaley will head to Mobile for the first round of dress shopping, then to Bridgette and Brett's wedding this weekend and Daniel's on Sunday for a reception for one of his friends.... DING, DING - let the busy months begin!

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