Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

I can think of few things that scream FALL better than the Pumpkin Patch - however, Fall weather was far from what we had today. It was at least 80 degrees and mostly humid- at least the rain held off. Despite the hot weather, we had a wonderful time at the Circle S Pumpkin Patch. This is a picture of my wonderful class, co-teacher, and field experience student/teacher.  Yes, there are six kids and three "teachers" plus four parents and of course, my mom came, too - the adults greatly outnumbered the students which was nice!

We arrived (after a scenic detour by our leader, Kaley - who lets the first year teacher lead?) promptly at 9 - we quickly boarded a trailer complete with hay pulled by a tractor. The kids were pumped. After arriving at the Pumpkin Patch, each child was given a bag to put their pumpkin in - most of them grabbed the first one they saw, however, there were a few who carefully examined many before choosing one! After a few pictures, we boarded the trailer to return to the play area. We played, looked at farm animals, jumped in a space jump, had juice (a few spills) and zebra cakes and then loaded the vans for a return trip to UWACS.

I must also say that I was trying to dress "teachery" for the our first field trip so I added a simple pumpkin pin to my shirt this morning - Kaley informed me it was TOO teachery :) Can't wait until she sees my fabulous tacky Christmas sweater... too teachery?- HA!

The trip was great - and I survived my first field trip as the "teacher" and not the helper. Can't wait to see what the next field trip brings- no parents and three times as many kids - probably!

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