If you are a friend of mine on Facebook then you may already know that 107 is how many days I have left until graduation. As a longtime school lover and goer, I am just tired. I know that through teaching, I will forever more be in school but I am ready to be more on the teacher side and a little bit less on the student side... that involves studying, online classes, 55 minute videos that are BORING, and all of the other junk that, after five years, I am tired of. I know the real world will be a big adjustment... but I am ready to do something different, the long drives to Livingston and the dark, late night ride homes are wearing on the body this semester (and we are only in the second week).
Luckily, I have sped through my Master's and I ONLY have 107 days. Some people are not as fortunate as I am to have a job that not only allows me to go to school full time but also helps me pay for it. I am also lucky to have parents who are willing to educate not one, not two, but three precious children... :) as negative as this post may sound, I am truly grateful for my many blessings (especially my education) I am really just ready for a break...
so ready for a break that I already have one planned...
Sara and I will be heading to the Gulf (and I know the water is not that blue in GS but you get the point) for a few days during the week between when classes end and when I make that final walk across the stage... for now, anyways!
YARN ART for kids
1 day ago
ahhhhh 107 days... even shorter than that now. How sweet the sound :)