Today is Valentine's Day... the day that I used to hate... with a passion. However, for the past three years, I have had the most wonderful Valentine in the world. Daniel really is the greatest guy in the world. This Valentine's was one that was humbling and made me realize how truly blessed I am to have him.
Daniel's sister Lori and niece Reese were coming in from Phoenix for the weekend so we knew he would have to come home this weekend. We had dinner in Meridian on Friday night and did a little more quail hunting on Saturday. The plan for Sunday was to go to church and then head to Daniel's house (in Vance) so we could go out to eat (BBQ Nachos at Dreamland) exchange gifts, and get to see eachother for a few minutes on Valentine's morning. Long story short, on the way to Daniel's (he was following me), we pulled over in York where he told me he was not feeling well. He got something to drink and we traveled on. By about the Knoxville exit, he called and said he HAD to go on home that he was not feeling well... At this point, I will admit that I was mad. In my head, I was thinking, suck it up, it's Valentine's Day - so selfish of me and I have already apoligized to Daniel for even thinking that way. When we got home, he rested for a few minutes and decided we would try to go again. We made it about 8 miles and I told him to just stop, I could tell he was miserable but he was willing to try for me... we stopped and got some milk and went back home. I ended up eating mac and cheese by myself while he spent most of the afternoon in the bathroom sick as a dog. He was so pitiful - sick and still trying to make me happy. We ended up driving to Tuscaloosa to go to the ER but it was packed so we went back home. He went to bed and said he felt much better after resting... this morning, he was still feeling sick and when I left he was heading to the doctor. He was apoligizing for "ruining" my Valentine's - it was then that I realized when someone, like Daniel, treats you like a princess everyday of the year, Valentine's Day is really just another day.
And he gives the best gifts... If anyone around me ever mentions a massage, I am the first to say "ooooooooohhhhhhh, that would be so nice" - Daniel, like always, remembered and that is what I got yesterday, a one hour massage, a manicure, and a pedicure from Gilda's in Tuscaloosa. I can't wait. He is really that thoughtful every day of the year... Oh, and the best part was yet to come. When I walked in school this morning, there were half a dozen red roses up front for me.
I know that even though he was sick this morning, he took the time to order me flowers because he knew it would make me happy. Daniel is the epitome of unselfish love - and I am thankful to have him today and everyday :)
And last but not least... my kiddos - when I walked in this morning, my desk was overflowing with Valentine's gifts from my students and their parents. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful class and a great first teaching experience!
YARN ART for kids
1 day ago
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