Sunday, April 3, 2011

breaking news...

so, now that I have told many of the most important people in my life, I feel like I can finally tell my blog followers - all six of you :) that I have a JOB for next year. I will have my very own first grade classroom at Patrician Academy. One of the best parts is that I will be teaching with one of my best friends in the world, Katie. I was lucky to get to teach with my best friend Kaley this year so I will be a little spoiled to always having someone there when I need it! Most of the precious little ones for next year are kiddos that I have babysat and know their parents - I am so excited about working with this group!

speaking of Kaley, I am so jealous proud of her - she wanted to do something and she did it... Kaley and I both have a sincere love of photography. We love taking pictures, being in pictures, looking at pictures, you get the point? well, she started herself a little photography blog. It's not a "business" yet, but it is a start... people tell me all the time that I need to start a photography business - I have a confession, I LOVE to take pictures but I am not a big fan of the editing process which is a major part of a photography business. Maybe one day, but today, I am just proud of Kaley - as always!

Our church started a new Sunday School class this week for the "twenty-somethings". Today was the first day and I loved it. I have not been in a Sunday School class since high school because there wasn't one for my age. We are lucky to have a young preacher at our church and a sweet wife who both have a passion for getting our age involved in the church.

what would a weekend post be without Rhett pictures - we had our usual Friday afternoon date and I got some super cute pictures...

we shared a sno-cone :) watermelon, Rhett's first and he loved it!

we fed the quack quacks...

and the funniest picture... Daddy, Sage, Daniel and I were standing around talking and not paying Rhett enough attention - and we looked down and he had this in his mouth... I immediately told him to get the ball out - then told him to put it back so I could get a picture... Daddy was seeing $$$ and wanted Rhett to put the ball in where you could see the brand name on the ball :) After getting in trouble, he wouldn't cooperate.

tomorrow starts the downhill slope for my Master's degree - only 25 more days and then graduation. It feels so good and yet so scary at the same time. I am so thankful to have a job for next year and so thankful to have a family that has been SO supportive of my recent decisions that were not so easy to make!

1 comment:

  1. And I am SO proud of you little miss! You have a real life big girl job ahhhhhh I can't wait to hear stories. I do believe we will talk every afternoon around 3:30ish :) You will be amazing. I love your new background!
